prenuptial agreement

Protecting Your Pet in a Divorce

Despite pets being a loving and integral member of families, the law has not caught up with this view, and still sees pets as property. But because pets are such an integral part of families, during a divorce, it can be a “custody” battle over your pet that causes a lot of disagreement and friction.…

What Happens When a Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreement is Invalidated in Massachusetts

Both prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements can be valuable tools for spouses. It can give guidance regarding the division of assets and support in the event of a divorce or a spouse’s death. It gives some predictability and certainty, which is not always guaranteed in the circumstances of a divorce in which there is neither…

Antenuptial Agreements: Setting the Tone for Compromise and Communication in the Marriage

A pre-nuptial agreement is a great test for a marriage and the couple’s ability to compromise on what will likely be recurring themes in the relationship. Relationships, like a prenuptial agreement, are full of compromise and negotiation. Two people entering into a marriage need to know how to have the difficult conversations and find fair…

PreNups: Myths v. Truths

There are several myths regarding Pre-Nuptial Agreements that prevent many couples from broaching the topic. Keep reading to find if a Pre-Nup is right for you! MYTH #1: ONLY PROTECT WEALTHIER SPOUSE False. Pre-Nuptial Agreements must be fair for both parties. If the Agreement is found to be unconscionable by the Judge, it will not…

Same Sex Prenuptial Agreements

Massachusetts is one of twelve of states, along with the District of Columbia, which recognize same-sex marriage. Since 2004, same sex couples have had the right to marry in Massachusetts. Like their opposite-sex counterparts, same-sex couples can enter into a prenuptial agreement to protect their respective assets during the marriage. Contrary to popular belief, a…