Divorce and Family Law Blog

Our Latest Newsletter

Check out our Summer Newsletter! This issue features an article on legal steps to consider if you are remarrying later in life and covers other topics including: Tenancy; Texting while driving; Dividing property in a divorce; and Employee’s and their LinkedIn profiles. CLICK HERE TO READ

Website Helping Parents After Divorce

There is a News Discussion going on within LinkedIn’s Collaborative Family Law Group regarding a site that helps parents manage their families after a divorce. You may find this article to be helpful. How can divorced parents manage their families without Facebook? How can they schedule who has the kids at a particular time? Courts are increasingly ordering…

Parental Alienation

There is an interesting News Discussion going on within LinkedIn’s American Divorce Lawyers Group based on an article from Basil & Spice regarding parental alienation and its influence on the children of a divorcing couple. Parental Alienation – when one or both divorcing parents attempts to negatively influence their children about the other parent — is one of the most…

Divorcing Couples Should Get Objective Market Evaluation of Real Estate

There is a Discussion going on within LinkedIn’s Collaborative Family Law Group about how divorcing couples should get an objective market evaluation of their real estate. Check it out… All Divorcing Couples Should get an Objective Market Evaluation of their Real Estate As experienced realtors and short sale specialists, many of our sellers are in…

Divorce Cases Citing Facebook

Check out this article from NYDailyNews.com regarding Facebook and the increasingly common role it plays in the breakdown of marriages, leading to divorce. Facebook is supposed to bring people together – but may be tearing some apart. Divorce lawyers say the social networking site is tempting users to cheat on their spouses, reports The UK’s…