Divorce and Family Law Blog

5 Reasons Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Should Consider Divorce Mediation

1. Your dirty laundry is best kept at home, not aired. A courtroom divorce will be public; a mediated divorce will be confidential unless otherwise stipulated. Mediators are bound by confidentiality agreements (the specifics of which may vary from state to state) and cannot divulge personal information shared within the mediation sessions. The courtroom is…

Our Latest Newsletter

  Check out our Fall Newsletter, which includes articles regarding: Precautions to take when buying a house with an unmarried partner; Companies that call their employees ‘independent contractors’;  Who’s responsible for paying deceased relative’s debts?; Complying with the terms of divorce agreements…..and more!  CLICK HERE Don’t Forget to Follow Us on Twitter!

Our Latest Newsletter

Check out our Summer Newsletter regarding topics such as: Facebook’s impact on divorce; Minor accidents and their potential serious repercussions; The benefits of having a Trust in a Will; New problems for seniors moving into nursing homes…and more! CLICK HERE TO READ Tweet Don’t Forget to Follow Us on Twitter!