Divorce and Family Law Blog

Recent Press!

I was recently interviewed on BNN by Lucy Rivera, and talked about some the benefits of divorce mediation. In “Know Your Rights About Divorce Mediation” we talked about the process of mediation, cost, time and who should use divorce mediation as an alternative to divorce litigation. Be sure to check out “Know Your Rights About…

Divorce Vouchers

  Here’s an interesting article from Digital Journal about a British law firm offering divorce vouchers to arguing couples for Christmas. With the United Kingdom having one of the highest divorce rates in the world, it was only a matter of time before lawyers started looking at ways to lure in unhappy couples. The London…

Should All Divorcing Couples get an Objective Market Evaluation of their Real Estate?

Here’s a discussion from LinkedIn’s Collaborative Family Law Group about getting an objective evaluation from a realtor during your divorce. We suggest a market analyis be done and updated (every 45 days or as needed) for every divorcing couple. Foreclosures and short sales can erode the equity that the sellers imagined or wanted so much…

American Divorce Lawyers Discussion

Here’s a discussion from LinkedIn’s American Divorce Lawyers Group about a mother snatching a child from his grandmother. Parents joint custody. Mother snatched child from paternal grama. I represent dad. Prior joint custody order. Two fight and split last week. Dad had son. Dad had paternal grama watch son during day. Mom comes and snatches…

Our latest newsletter

  Read the latest Newsletter from Amaral & Associates, P.C.! Included in this issue are: Visitation Over the Internet Making Gifts or Loans to Children? Mention this in your Will Cities and States can be Sued for Dangerous Roads Supreme Court Limits Age Discrimination Lawsuits Check the Zoning Rules Before you Buy a Property Trademark…

Children of Divorce

Here’s an interesting blog post from Divorce, it’s just the beginning, about the effects of divorce on children. “Stereotyping Children of Divorce” examines research that found children of divorce are at a disadvantage. Numerous articles have been written about divorce, the effects of divorce, and how children of divorce are at a disadvantage. The problem…

Some New York Times Articles

(via) Collaborative Divorce Professionals Group I thought I’d pass along some interesting New York Times articles people have posted in LinkedIn’s Collaborative Divorce Professionals Group “Postpartum Depression Strikes Fathers, Too” is about a first-time father who become “anxious, sad and withdrawn” after the birth of his child. The pregnancy was easy, the delivery a breeze.…


  I’ve posted a few blogs on the benefits of divorce mediation (see: Divorce Mediation), but I recently saw an article in the ABA Journal about a new nonprofit company that will start rating arbitrators and mediators. International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution is the first of its kind to “connect practitioners to the…

Paternity Fraud

I came across Sam Hasler’s Indiana Divorce & Family Law Blog and found an interesting post about the problems concerning paternity suits. Hasler has some interesting information about this “very large problem” that isn’t talked about too often. He also includes some good articles from the New York Times and Men’s News Daily. Check out…