Amarallaw Admin

Divorce Mediation is Fast, Inexpensive and Thorough, so Why Litigate Your Divorce?

When your contested divorce commences and the Complaint for Divorce is filed, the court will forward a tracking order regarding the estimated length of the litigation process which is usually 14 months. When a couple decides to use a certified divorce mediator to get divorced, no complaint is filed and no tracking order is necessary.…

Estate Planning for the New Year

Can you believe that 2016 is almost behind us?  Have you satisfied your New Year’s resolution to have your Will prepared? Do you have minor children that need a guardianship provision? Have you been divorced recently requiring a new will, health care proxy and power of attorney? If so, please contact me today at (617)539-1010…

Angelina and Brad reportedly have a prenup agreement. Family lawyers say you should, too.

Celebrity watchers reeled when Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on Sept. 19 after two years of marriage and 12 years together. While determining custody of their six children could prolong the divorce — Jolie is asking for physical custody — the task of dividing Brangelina’s estimated $400 million fortune may go quite…


在Amaral & Associates, P.C. 的律师给您提供的法律建议与服务的基础上,本介绍为您解答有关诉讼离婚程序的常见问题。本介绍不能替代律师代理。 • 1. 启动离婚程序 在马萨诸塞州存在两种离婚途径:1)无争议离婚;和 2)争议离婚。 如果双方均同意离婚,并对就离婚条款(与离婚相关的各项事宜,比如财产划分,子女抚养与探视等)达成协议,你们可以按照马萨诸塞州一般法第208章第一款(A)项,提交共同离婚申请,以及一份离婚协议(Separation Agreement),该份协议约定离婚条款,此外还需要夫妻双方各自提供一份财务证明(Financial Statement)和一份 “婚姻已无法经调解再继续”的声明书(Affidavit of Irretrievable Breakdown),该份文件声明婚姻已破裂,再无继续可能。 如果只有一方意图离婚,或者夫妻双方无法就离婚条款达成协议,任一配偶可以单方向法院提交离婚诉求(Complaint for Divorce)启动争议离婚程序。申请争议离婚的法律事由有很多,但最常见的是无过错事由(non-fault grounds)。以无过错事由申请离婚,当事人不需要证明对方的任何过错。以过错事由(fault-based grounds)申请离婚的话,声称对方有过错的一方必须实际证明对方的过错。过错离婚事由包括:(1)通奸;(2)残酷及虐待;(3)重大及经证实的酗酒习惯;(4)恶劣、无理并残酷地拒绝或忽视提供适当的赡养;(5)性无能;(6)刑事判刑或入狱服刑;(7)彻底遗弃。我们的律师根据每对夫妻的具体情况,建议应该以什么事由申请离婚。以何种事由申请离婚可能影响到最终解除婚姻关系的所需的时间。律师的专业法律建议可以帮助您尽快解除婚姻,为婚姻解除后的各项事宜做出安排,并与对方达成协议。

Getting Divorced? Do Not Ignore Your Credit Score (and How to Rebuild it if You Did)

Credit scores are one of the most critical finances pieces of recovering financially from a divorce. Credit scores are also one of the most overlooked pieces of post-divorce, as I’ve found by communicating with thousands of followers of my blog, I reached out to Gerri Detweiler, director of consumer education for, and author…

Do You Need A Prenup?

Short answer: Yes! Long answer: A prenup, or prenuptial agreement if you’re being fancy, is a contract between two people who are getting married. Every prenup is different, but usually it lays out what will happen with regard to property and spousal support if the impending marriage ends in divorce. What exactly is covered and…