Divorce Articles


Stalking is a serious, often violent, offense that can affect the day-to-day life of the victim. It is illegal in all fifty states. Stalking is a behavior that jeopardizes the safety and wellbeing of the victim. It can often escalate and wreak havoc on the victim’s daily life. If you are dealing with an abusive…

Restraining Order

  Have you been served with a 209A restraining order? Or do you need to protect yourself with a209A restraining order? Domestic violence occurs when physical harm is done from one individual to another. When anindividual makes an attempt at physical harm, or someone who creates fear of imminentphysical harm by threatening another person. This…

Child Custody, Visitation & Child Support

Are you considering getting a divorce? Have you held back from moving forward because you have concerns about child custody visitation and child support? The attorneys at Amaral & Associates P.C. have years of experience resolving child custody, visitation and child support issues. Attorney Edward Amaral provides knowledgeable Information and skilled advocacy for parents and…