Amaral and Associates PC

Surviving The Holidays Post Divorce

  The holidays can often trigger memories, ones that may be remembered as being happier or less complicated. The holidays post-divorce is no exception.  The important thing to remember is that many others experience this same feeling – especially during a pandemic that has changed so many people’s lives.  It is so easy to compare…

Parenting Class Requirements for Divorced Parents in Massachusetts

    Massachusetts has done away with mandatory parenting classes for divorced parents. Some considered this process archaic, as divorce has become widely socially acceptable and is not necessarily detrimental to a child’s happiness or development.  The time when it can be appropriate is during a contested divorce, where custodial or financial decisions cannot be…

Hidden Business Assets in Divorce

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every facet of daily life and it has intense repercussions on personal and business finances. For couples facing divorce post Covid, there can be hidden assets and accounts which can impact alimony. A spouse may be dishonest about the state of their finances, and one of the best ways to…

Vaccination and divorce

Major decisions such as non-emergency medical treatment, counseling, school choice and religious upbringing often come up between custodial parents’ post-divorce. If only one parent has sole custody, they are able to make all the decisions and are deemed the “custodial parent”. It has become more common over the last 30 years for parents to have…

Debt during divorce

Divorce is already a stressful process to begin with, but sorting out the debts of either spouse can complicate matters even more. This is even more true when they are a surprise. Whether it be finding out about hidden debts from your spouse or confusion around responsibility for one spouse’s student loans debts; It is…