divorce and financial planning

Financial Disclosure in a Divorce

When spouses are going through a divorce, a common concern is that their husband/wife will not fully disclose their assets.  In Massachusetts, to protect against this issue, the Court issued Supplemental Probate Court Rule 410, in which both parties must exchange certain financial information within 45 days after the defendant was served the summons and…

Protecting Your Credit in a Divorce

It is not uncommon for married couples to have joint accounts, including joint credit cards. However, once married couples are involved in a divorce, they must decide how to apportion the credit card debt. At that time, each spouse should be looking to protect their credit as much as possible. In Massachusetts, each spouse’s credit…

Weighing Divorce Options

What is the role of stock options in negotiating a divorce settlement? Far from being an academic question, the answer can actually determine the ownership of hundreds of thousands of dollars generated by the sale of appreciated stock acquired through company stock options. By specifying in the divorce settlement exactly how stock options will be…

PreNups: Myths v. Truths

There are several myths regarding Pre-Nuptial Agreements that prevent many couples from broaching the topic. Keep reading to find if a Pre-Nup is right for you! MYTH #1: ONLY PROTECT WEALTHIER SPOUSE False. Pre-Nuptial Agreements must be fair for both parties. If the Agreement is found to be unconscionable by the Judge, it will not…