Divorce and Removal Parental Relocation

Do you want to move out of Massachusetts after your Divorce with your Child? 

This type of Divorce issue is known as a Removal Case. Removal cases are some of the most complex, contentious situations that can arise after divorce — or between unmarried parents with custody, visitation, and support orders in force. A removal case is when the primary custodial parent’s desire is to move out of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with a child. 

Parents may assume that they can relocate with their child if they have physical custody. However, with this type of divorce or custody issue, having sole or primary physical custody does not entitle a mother or father to move a child outside of Massachusetts without the other parent’s consent or a court order. A move of any significant distance may justify modification of visitation, support, and certain other orders relative to the divorce.

The divorce attorneys at Amaral & Associates, P.C. practice primarily with removal cases. If you need a lawyer for a removal case in Massachusetts please contact us today. Our family law services are knowledgeable, practical, and comprehensive. An attorney at our firm will make the effort to understand your goals and the nuances of your unique case and the issues surrounding the desire to relocate and what is in the best interest of the child. We are adept at proposing and negotiating creative solutions that work for both parties engaged in difficult disputes. 

Prompt action to learn your legal rights and obligations is critical if you wish to move away with children or protect your rights as a loving, involved parent in your child’s life. To talk through your concerns in an initial consultation, please call us at 617-539-1010 ext. 111 or send us an email now.

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