Archives for January 2014

Protecting Your Legal Rights When Cohabitating With Your Significant Other

Recent studies show that “shotgun weddings” are becoming less popular as cultural norms become more progressive. Rather than marrying due to a pregnancy, couples are moving in together, not marrying, and raising the child as a family. However, when a couple lives together out of wedlock, they are not afforded the same rights and benefits…

Get Divorced for $1500.00

One of the greatest benefits of mediation is the cost. Please read the below column from a mediation client of another firm. Our firm can get you divorced for $1500.00. COLUMN-How I got divorced for less than $1,500 in legal fees By Tim McLaughlin Jan 9 (Reuters) – When my wife and I decided to…

Weighing Divorce Options

What is the role of stock options in negotiating a divorce settlement? Far from being an academic question, the answer can actually determine the ownership of hundreds of thousands of dollars generated by the sale of appreciated stock acquired through company stock options. By specifying in the divorce settlement exactly how stock options will be…